Every Day a Word Surprises Me & Other Quotes by Writers

Every Day a Word Surprises Me & Other Quotes by Writers


Advice, strong opinions, and personal revelations by the world's greatest writers - exclusively researched for this new book

Featuring the most inspirational and insightful collection of quotes by writers through the ages and across the globe, Every Day a Word Surprises Me is the ideal keepsake for readers, writers, and everyone who appreciates the exquisite power of words. This carefully curated book, packed with original research, is a go-to resource for thoughts on a variety of subjects, including originality, punctuation, reading, daily routines, rejection, money troubles, the creative process, love, truth, and more. 'Every day a word surprises me' is a quotation from British neurologist and author Oliver Sacks. This collection is full of its own surprises and hard-earned advice - communicated with the eloquence and clarity that only the world's finest writers could summon.


  • Format: Hardback

  • Size: 203 × 137 mm (8 × 5 3/8 in)

  • Pages: 336 pp

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