Sardine Stash Box

Sardine Stash Box


Sardines: stinky, slimy, uninvited to the pizza party Sardine Stash Box: stinky (in a GOOD way), slim, absolutely invited to the pizza party

Original artwork printed directly onto the box's surface (NOT a sticker!) Intended to store cough oregano herbs cough and a small book of papers, this divided container is now my everything all of the time (I genuinely have never gotten so much use out of any of my products before this one!)

This container is cute, but it is also super convenient - it is slim enough to fit into jacket pockets and purses easy peasy. Measures 4x3x1 inches.

Great for storing edibles and joints on the go (it even fits a Leune one hitter perfectly!) Also a portable, non-squishable container for: gum, starbursts, bobby pins, medication, jewelry, pom pom balls, dog treats, a lighter, tums, erasers, charms, tiny treasures, hopes and dreams

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